According to Nielsen, 1.9 million adult consumers in Charlotte use social media every month, an audience that continues to expand. As a result of this growth, social media has become a crucial part of local advertising campaigns.
Social media allows Charlotte business owners to continually be in front of their target customers and to stay top-of-mind. It allows businesses to communicate daily and be the first company on call when needed. Social media has become essential for marketing local goods and services.
The best part is that social media is free to use for both Charlotte consumers and business owners.
There is no subscription service for social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram which, according to Nielsen, are used by 77.6% of Charlotte consumers each month. There are no monthly payments or premium memberships required to unlock more services.
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There are 92,427 small businesses in the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC Metro Area, according to the US Census Bureau. Based on projections from the National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB), nearly half of these companies have job openings they cannot fill.
As a result of the acute labor shortage, says the NFIB, 29% of small business owners rank the quality of labor as the most important problem they face. A year ago, only 21% said finding workers was their biggest issue.
The labor crunch in the Charlotte area is being driven, in big part, by a record-high number of employees voluntarily quitting their jobs. Just last month, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.5 million employees across the country left their current place of employment.
According to the Wall Street Journal, those who are not currently working say they are in no hurry to return to the workforce. The lack of urgency stems from five primary reasons:
- 29% say they don't need to work right now because their spouse is employed
- 28% say they cannot return to work because of care responsibilities at home
- 25% say they don't need to return to work because they have a financial cushion
- 20% say they are fearful of returning to work because of COVID-19
- 5% say they do not need to return because of current unemployment benefits
There seems to be little chance that these resigned workers can be lured back into the labor force. Therefore, to fill open jobs, local business owners will need to focus their efforts towards recruiting among Charlotte's "passive" job candidates.
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recruitment advertising,
job posting sites,
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online job boards,
Zip Recruiter,
passive job seekers,
active job seekers,
radio recruitment advertising
Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Charlotte consumers are on track to spend $38.8 billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.
To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Charlotte-area business owners are expected to spend $1.1 billion to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.
To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Charlotte business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of
Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:
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facebook advertising,
help wanted advertising,
effective advertising,
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advertise on Charlotte radio,
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Every month, 1.7 million adults in Charlotte use social media, according to Nielsen. Seventy-six percent of these consumers use Facebook, far more than other sites like Instagram (also owned by Facebook), Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.
As a stand-alone medium, Facebook is used by more people in Charlotte than watch local TV stations and cable channels. Only Charlotte radio reaches more consumers.
The large audience commanded by social media has attracted a significant amount of advertising dollars from local advertisers. According to Borrell Associates, a company that measures advertising expenditures across the county, Charlotte-area businesses are expected to spend $248 million on social media advertising, a 31.7% increase over 2022. The overwhelming majority of these dollars are being spent with Facebook.
Yesterday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced the company was changing its name to "Meta". This change, though, only affects the name of the parent company. There will be no change to the company's brands like Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp.
How will this name change affect Charlotte businesses that advertise on Facebook?
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charlotte radio,
Charlotte area business owners are expected to invest $595-million during 2021 to advertise to consumers connected to the internet. This forecast was produced by Borrell Associates, a company that tracks business advertising expenditures across the country.
These online marketing dollars will be spent on banner advertising, search engine marketing, email, as well as audio and video advertising. This is all to capture the attention of shoppers and buyers as they go about their connected days.
According to Nielsen, 95.8% of adult consumers in the Charlotte area have access to the internet. They connect, primarily, with desktop and laptop computers; smartphones; or tablets.
Ninety-six percent of Charlotte adults spend at least one hour per week online, with most spending at least 10 hours connected.
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How important is Twitter to Charlotte area consumers? Yesterday, for instance, the social media platform was mentioned in at least ten articles published by the Charlotte Observer yesterday. Almost every local TV newscast included references to the site as well.
Twitter's outsized presence in the news, however, is enormously disproportional to the importance of the micro-blogging app in the life of Charlotte's consumers.
According to Nielsen, only about 19% of adults in Charlotte use Twitter during the course of a month. This is minuscule compared to other social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook.
Twitter offers 20 different options that Charlotte small business owners can utilize to market their goods and services to local consumers. The platform's minimal reach, however, can hamper the success of any advertising campaign.
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Following the lead of many national marketers, some Charlotte area small business owners are considering canceling or, at minimum, pausing their advertising schedules with social media network Facebook and its co-owned photo-sharing platform, Instagram.
According to the New York Times, "more than 400 companies, from Coca-Cola and Adidas to Ford and Lego, have vowed to halt advertising on the social network, in a growing protest over how it handles hate speech and other harmful content".
With the pandemic figured in, Charlotte small business owners were expected to spend $131 million on Facebook and Instagram advertising in 2020. This is according to Borrell Associates, a firm that specializes in the collection and analysis of local marketing expenditures in every city across the United States. But these expenditures could shrink if the protests become louder.
Every type of Charlotte business imaginable, including clothing stores, plumbers, HVAC repair, funeral homes, restaurants, dentists, and nonprofits, has come to realize how powerfully social media can contribute to their bottom lines.
Part of what makes Facebook and Instagram attractive to small business owners is the enormous reach these platforms have among consumers. Locally, the audience size for these two social media sites now rival Charlotte radio, TV, cable, and newspaper outlets.
For small business owners considering a hiatus from social media advertising, there is a viable way to redirect these dollars into a different medium without losing the marketing equity or momentum built-up on Facebook.
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social media advertising,
small business,
small business owner,
social media,
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advertise on radio
Facebook usage has swelled since the onset of the Covid-19.
According to Nielsen, before the current chaos, 75% of Charlotte area adults used Facebook each month. This was significantly fewer than were reached by local radio each week.
According to the New York Times, however, since the start of the Coronavirus, daily Facebook traffic has increased by 27%. This compares to 33% growth in the amount of time consumers spend listening to local radio during a similar period.
Based on the surge in Facebook consumption, Charlotte small business owners might be tempted to purchase advertising on the social media platform to augment their regular, free postings. Here are are few facts these businesses should consider before investing.
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The chaos created in North Carolina by the onset of Coronavirus has been a disruptive force among consumers.
Work routines, buying habits, family life, and media consumption have all been palpably affected. These are all factors that need to be considered by small business owners who continue to advertise their goods and services during the crisis.
Before the current chaos, advertising on Charlotte radio, by any metric, was the best way a local small business could advertise.
For instance, pre-Coronavirus, 1.8 million adult consumers tuned-in to a Charlotte radio station every week. This is significantly more than watched local TV, read a newspaper, accessed social media, or streamed audio from sites like Pandora and Spotify.
New research released from Nielsen indicates that amidst the current crisis, listening to local radio remains little changed. This is great news for those Charlotte small business owners who are depending on advertising for their long-term survival.
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covid 19,
crisis marketing
Suppose a Charlotte small business owner woke up one morning and found a 100-year-old machine in the basement of her store. She soon discovered that every time a dime was put into the machine, one dollar came out. Imagine, now, how profitable that business would become.
Good news: such a contraption exists, and every business owner probably has one in their car, in their store, in their home, even on their phone. It's called Charlotte radio.
Over the past few years, Nielsen has conducted more than 20 studies to determine what type of return-on-investment (ROI) a business owner can expect from radio advertising. Although the results varied by industry, the average company generated $100 in sales for every $10 invested. Turning dimes into dollars.
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small business,
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television advertising,
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facebook advertising
Charlotte small business owners are fighting the coronavirus battles on multiple fronts. Their first objective is to keep their families and employees safe. Then, of course, there are the concerns of keeping their businesses healthy enough to survive current disruptions.
The business literature has an abundance of case studies showing how survival is often connected to a thoughtful communications and marketing strategy during challenging times.
Business owners need to let North Carolina consumers know if they are still open. If their hours have changed. Or if they are providing alternative shopping methods (e.g., delivery, curbside pick-up).
Most importantly, it is imperative consumers know that a business will still be there for them when the crisis is over.
For those owners who are depending on communication to preserve their business, the best option may be to advertise on Charlotte radio.
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retail stores,
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covid 19
Charlotte retailers spend a considerable amount of time and money marketing their small businesses on social media. Is this effort paying off?
Each month, according to Nielsen, 1.5 million Charlotte area adults use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. This equates to 72% of consumers. This reach is rather anemic compared to Charlotte radio and TV, which attracts considerably more users in a single week than these social media platforms do over 30 days.
Among local millennials, the monthly reach of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter is eclipsed by the weekly reach of Charlotte radio.
The number of consumers reached by an advertising campaign, according to Nielsen, is the media consideration that has the most significant effect on increasing sales.
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