
Advertise In Charlotte: Top 5 Articles From 2021

Nov 29, 2021 10:55:05 AM / by Larry Julius

Based on projections from the National Retail Federation (NRF), Charlotte consumers are on track to spend $38.8 billion with retailers by the end of this year. This would be 13.5% higher than was spent in 2020.

To earn a significant share of these retail dollars, Charlotte-area business owners are expected to spend $1.1 billion to advertise by year's end, according to Borrell Associates. This company tracks advertising expenditures in local markets across the U.S.

To ensure they are spending their advertising and marketing dollars wisely, many Charlotte business owners research how to best target prospective customers by using local media. An exceptional resource for local business owners to investigate the media habits of localconsumers is on the advice section of  

Here are the top five most-read articles on the site in 2021:

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Topics radio advertising, social media advertising, television advertising, co-op advertising, cooperative advertising, online advertising, digital advertising, small business advertising, employment advertising, recruitment advertising, endorsement advertising, facebook advertising, help wanted advertising, effective advertising, advertising on radio, holiday advertising, advertising ROI, advertise on Charlotte radio, advertise in charlotte, advertising options, inter advertising, how to advertise

Advertising On Charlotte Radio: How Smart Speakers Add Value

Sep 28, 2021 11:47:59 AM / by Larry Julius

Since 1922 when WBT-AM first signed on, local small business owners have been advertising on Charlotte radio to market the goods and services they sell.

Lately, some of these advertisers are voicing concerns, though, that the accelerating use of smart speakers could erode the effectiveness of commercials on local stations. Current research, however, reveals that these devices actually extend the reach of the medium and its ad content.

More than 663.403 consumers in Charlotte have a smart speaker in their homes, according to Nielsen. This is 30.4% of the local adult population.

Smart speakers are internet-enabled devices controlled by spoken commands and capable of streaming audio content, relaying information, and communicating with other devices. 

According to the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) data, Amazon Echo (aka Alexa) accounts for 69% of all smart speakers in use. Google's smart speaker makes up another 20% of the market. The remaining 11% of the market comprises Apple Home (aka Siri), Sonos, and Bose.

Charlotte consumers can use their smart speakers to accomplish a diverse range of tasks, including accessing news, weather, and sports information; turning on lights in the house; shopping; and food delivery.

The most common use of a smart speaker, though, is streaming audio, including Charlotte radio stations, according to eMarketer. Edison Research's Share of Ear Study indicates that consumers devote 13% of their total time using a smart speaker listening to AM/FM radio stations. This is second only to the time spent listening to Amazon Music at 19%.

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Topics radio advertising, small business, small business owner, online advertising, small business marketing, small business advertising, streaming media, streaming audio, smart speakers, google home, amazon echo, siri, effective advertising, radio listening, alexa, how to advertise, apple

Advertising On Charlotte Radio: The 3 Frequency Myth

Aug 18, 2021 2:41:36 PM / by Larry Julius

Every week, according to Nielsen, Charlotte radio reaches 1.9 million adult consumers. This is significantly more people than are reached by local TV, cable, social media, streaming video, streaming audio, or newspapers.

Because of its humongous reach, area small business owners advertise on Charlotte radio to successfully market the products and services they sell.

Many first-time advertisers on Charlotte radio will ask how many times a consumer needs to hear a commercial before they become a customer.  Often the business owner is told that to be effective, a consumer needs to be exposed to a message three times before they will buy.  Unfortunately, this prescription for a three-time frequency is more myth than substance.

A study by Nielsen provides some data-based insights about effective frequency, But first, here's the origin of the mythological rule of three.

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Topics small business, small business owner, reach, frequency, small business marketing, small business advertising, reach & frequency, advertising reach, effective advertising, effective frequency

Advertise On Charlotte Radio: Still Best Option For Small Business

Jul 9, 2021 9:37:26 AM / by Larry Julius

Retail spending in the Charlotte area is expected to reach $38.8 billion this year, a 13.5% increase versus 2020. These estimates are based on a revised forecast from the National Retail Federation (NRF).

Since March 18, 1922, when WBT-AM signed on as the first station in Charlotte, local business owners have depended on radio advertising to help market their goods and services to North and South Carolina consumers.  But has the Coronavirus pandemic altered the medium's ability to deliver customers to ring up sales for local retailers?

Two critical marketing metrics indicate that advertising on Charlotte radio remains the best way for a small business to advertise.

The first measurement is reach. This is the number of different consumers who are exposed to an advertising campaign.

The second measure is return-on-investment (ROI). This is the amount of sales a business can expect for every one dollar invested in advertising.

Based on these metrics, here is how advertising on Charlotte radio measures up to other options available to local small business owners.

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Topics radio advertising, small business, small business owner, roi, return on investment, small business marketing, small business advertising, retail spending, retail, retail sales, retail stores, retailer, effective advertising, advertising ROI

Who Listens To Charlotte Radio?

Apr 22, 2021 3:37:52 PM / by Larry Julius

Every week, according to Nielsen, 89% of adult consumers tune in to a Charlotte radio station. This is significantly more people than watch broadcast TV, local cable, or video streaming services. It's more than use social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.  And, it's more than read local newspapers.

Charlotte radio is also the medium with the greatest reach among millennials, a generation that not only has embraced an abundance of online media options but also accounts for nearly a third of all local consumer spending.

This reach advantage is a crucial reason why local small business owners depend on Charlotte radio to market their goods and services.

A study released this week by Edison Research and NPR discovered that their six distinct types of radio listeners. The study also examines how each group of listeners engages with both programming and advertising.  These distinctions are important for Charlotte small business owners to understand.

The six listener categories as described in the study are:

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, small business, small business owner, reach, small business marketing, small business advertising, reach & frequency, advertising reach, effective advertising, share of ear

Does Anyone Listen To Charlotte Radio At Night?

Mar 9, 2021 2:26:48 PM / by Larry Julius

Each week, according to Nielsen, more than 1.9 million adult consumers tune-in to a Charlotte radio station. This is significantly more than watch local TV or cable. More than stream video channels like Netflix or Hulu. More than read local newspapers. More than use Facebook or Instagram. More than listen to online audio services like Pandora and Spotify.

But almost everyone knows (including many who advertise on Charlotte radio) that consumers only listen to local radio stations during the day. Right? Wrong!

According to Nielsen, 49% of local consumers listen to Charlotte radio stations each week between 7:00pm and 12:00am. This is a larger audience than Pandora, Spotify, and Instagram combined reach during an entire week.

For Charlotte small business owners, radio's immense nighttime audience offers a unique value proposition.

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Topics small business, small business owner, time of day, small business marketing, small business advertising, advertise on radio, effective advertising, radio listening, advertise on Charlotte radio, night, prime-time

Advertising On Charlotte Radio Is Back In The Driver's Seat

Oct 27, 2020 2:12:25 PM / by Larry Julius

There are more than 1,700,000 car radios in the Charlotte area. On March 30, though, many of these devices became quarantined along with their owners. That was the day when the Governor of North Carolina shut down the state to slow the spread of COVID-19.

According to the Apple Mobility Index, the Governor's public-safety order caused traffic on Charlotte roadways to plummet to 65% of pre-pandemic levels.

By the beginning of July, however,  the AMI indicates that traffic in Charlotte began to exceed pre-Covid levels. The surge in mobility is due, in part, to work-from-home, furloughed, and laid-off employees returning to their workplaces.

According to Nielsen, during the week of April 30, only 39% of adults with jobs were working outside-the-home.  During the week of October 1, though, that number had expanded to 61%.

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Topics consumer spending, small business, small business owner, small business marketing, small business advertising, in car aduio, vehicle traffic, effective advertising, radio listening, consumer confidence, share of ear, point of purchase, mobility

What Is The Best Way To Reach Charlotte's 2.1 Million Consumers?

Aug 17, 2020 11:09:38 AM / by Larry Julius

Despite all of the media options available for small business owners to market their goods and services, advertising on Charlotte radio is still the best way to reach local consumers.

Adult consumers are spending 741 minutes per day consuming electronic media, according to a new study by Nielsen.  This is 7.8% more time than they spent last year and 11.2% more than in 2018.

The typical daily media diet consists of radio, live TV, time-shifted TV, DVD/Blue-ray devices, game consoles, internet-connected devices, as well as internet via computers, smartphone apps, and tablet apps.

According to Nielsen, despite all of these media options, local radio reaches the most consumers every week.

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, small business, small business owner, roi, reach, return on investment, small business marketing, small business advertising, retail spending, retail, reach & frequency, retail sales, retail stores, retailer, advertise on radio, advertising reach, effective advertising

Advertising On Charlotte Radio: What Consumers Want To Hear

Jul 16, 2020 2:09:25 PM / by Larry Julius

If you were one of the 1.8 million adults who tuned-in to a Charlotte radio station last week, then no doubt you heard multiple commercials that included phrases like 'troubling times', 'uncertain times', 'unprecedented times', 'new normal', and 'we're in this together'. 

In March, as the pandemic began to disrupt consumers' lives, using these phrases was a powerful way for North Carolina small business owners to acknowledge the severity of the crisis and to exhibit empathy. But 120 days later, these words have become cliche and have lost potency.

A cliche, says the Oxford Dictionary, is "a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought." 

According to the Writing Center at The University of North Carolina, the dependence on cliches could create a harmful perception of a business that uses them. For instance, these overused phrases can make an advertiser's message seem boring. They can be perceived as vague. They can be interpreted to be a sign of laziness. They can also result in a lack of credibility. 

The words a Charlotte small business chooses for its advertising will have the most significant effect on sales. That's why eliminating cliches is critical.

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Topics radio advertising, small business, small business owner, small business marketing, small business advertising, advertise on radio, commercial length, write a commercial, writing a commercial, effective advertising, radio commercials, creative, scripts

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