
What Marketers Need To Know About Advertising on Charlotte Radio

Apr 21, 2023 3:06:02 PM / by Larry Julius

According to Nielsen, 1,983,988 adults tune in to their favorite Charlotte radio stations every week. This is significantly more consumers than are reached by all other advertising-supported media, including local TV, local cable, streaming video, social media, online audio, and local newspapers.

Charlotte radio's unchallenged reach is why many local business owners depend on the medium to capture the largest possible share of the $56.2 billion dollars consumers are expected to spend at retail this year.

However, other local small business owners may be surprised to learn that by most marketing metrics, radio remains the best way to advertise in Charlotte.

Here are four more facts about AM/FM radio that may surprise many local marketers.

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Topics best way to advertise, radio advertising, television advertising, streaming audio, television, pay-tv, cable television, in car aduio, in-car audio, satellite TV, CTV, cable tv, local television, streaming television, how to advertise, streaming TV, am/fm radio

In-Car Listening Drives Charlotte Radio To The Top

Mar 14, 2023 9:53:33 AM / by Larry Julius

Charlotte radio reaches more local consumers each week than any other advertising medium.

According to Nielsen, 1,983,988 adults tune in to their favorite AM/FM stations every week.  This is significantly more consumers than are reached by Charlotte TV, cable, streaming video, streaming audio, social media, or newspapers.

AM/FM radio's dominance among local consumers is driven, in large part, by the 2.5 million Charlotte area adults who take to the road in their car or truck every week, according to Neilsen.

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Topics best way to advertise, reach, reach & frequency, streaming media, streaming audio, smart speakers, advertising reach, in car aduio, in-car audio, car radio, am/fm radio

Charlotte New Car Buyers Agree: Put AM/FM Radio In My Dashboard

Nov 11, 2021 10:02:58 AM / by Larry Julius

In 2020, there were 108,229 new cars and trucks registered in the Charlotte metro area. This number is based on projections from the National Auto Dealers Associaton (NADA) and the U.S. Census bureau.

In all, says NADA, there are 249 new-car dealerships in North Carolina. Despite the pandemic, these dealers, including those in the Charlotte area, sold $28.2 billion worth of new vehicles.

Through June of this year, these same dealers have already rung up $17 billion in new car sales.

When it comes to buying new vehicles, Charlotte consumers have a broad range of preferences. Some buyers want Fords while others want Chevrolets, Toyotas, or Teslas.  Some buyers want pick-up trucks, while others want sub-compacts, SUVs, or sports cars. Of course, some want blue vehicles, while others want pearl white, orchard green, or redolent red.

There is one purchase criterion, however, that most Charlotte car buyers can agree on. They want an AM/FM radio smack-dab, in the middle of their dash.

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Topics best way to advertise, used vehicles, automotive, used cars, used trucks, in car aduio, vehicle traffic, in-car audio, charlotte radio, advertise in charlotte, who listens to radio, car radio, new cars

Advertising On Charlotte Radio Is Back In The Driver's Seat

Oct 27, 2020 2:12:25 PM / by Larry Julius

There are more than 1,700,000 car radios in the Charlotte area. On March 30, though, many of these devices became quarantined along with their owners. That was the day when the Governor of North Carolina shut down the state to slow the spread of COVID-19.

According to the Apple Mobility Index, the Governor's public-safety order caused traffic on Charlotte roadways to plummet to 65% of pre-pandemic levels.

By the beginning of July, however,  the AMI indicates that traffic in Charlotte began to exceed pre-Covid levels. The surge in mobility is due, in part, to work-from-home, furloughed, and laid-off employees returning to their workplaces.

According to Nielsen, during the week of April 30, only 39% of adults with jobs were working outside-the-home.  During the week of October 1, though, that number had expanded to 61%.

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Topics consumer spending, small business, small business owner, small business marketing, small business advertising, in car aduio, vehicle traffic, effective advertising, radio listening, consumer confidence, share of ear, point of purchase, mobility

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